Thursday, March 20, 2014

Big Sur... and a whole lot of emotion

Big Sur....
Was just Amazing....

Everything about it was big and surreal (did you get that? I am so lame). We were nestled in a beautiful forest surrounded by ever so tall red woods. The cabin was just one room with everything we needed. There was no phones or TV and that was perfect. The whole bathroom was outside on the deck surrounded by the forest. I have to say, it was the absolute best way to use the bathroom ever!! The Big Sur Coast line was right in front of the forest entrance. We really tried to embrace the forest and all it's beauty. We took lots of baths in our outdoor tub, BBQ's, lots of exploring, and running free. Our family time was the greatest gift of all. We needed it so bad. It felt exhilarating to be submerged in my family. I did not take my camera everywhere because I was so intentional with my time and it was not logical at certain times. Here are some of the pictures I took during our down time.....

We would like to come back soon!!!
Our next trip is for Silvio's 34th birthday. We are going to Joshua Tree. Just me and him! I am nervous to leave our kids for the very first time but I am excited to be a grown up for a few days!!